Below you will find the terms and conditions of Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy.
Article 1.1
Registration as a member takes place by filling in the registration form completely and signed. You are a student of Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy from the moment you hand in the completed application form until you cancel your membership in writing. By doing so, you automatically agree to our terms and conditions as described here.
Article 2.1
These terms and conditions apply to all services of Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy and therefore govern the legal relationship between Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy and the Member.
Article 2.2
Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy is entitled to change the conditions applicable to the membership. Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy will inform the member in time. The changes take effect one calendar month after the announcement, unless a different legal term is required, which will then be applied. If a Member does not wish to accept a change that is detrimental to him, he can terminate his membership with effect from the date on which the new terms and conditions come into effect. The written cancellation must be received by Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy before the effective date of the change.
Article 2.3
Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy is entitled to use the supplied data for communication with students. Your personal information is strictly confidential and will be used for administrative purposes of Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy only. Your data will not be made available to third parties for commercial purposes.
Article 2.4
Verbal agreements must always be recorded in writing. Agreements between the Member and Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy can only be entered into in writing and can only be modified in writing.
Article 2.5
Every student must be aware of the rules of conduct of the gym and has agreed to this when entering into membership. Students must respect the rules of conduct of the school and the associated discipline. The right to training expires if one does not comply with these rules of conduct.
Article 2.6
Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy reserves the right to change the lesson times and the location(s) where the training is given.
Article 2.7
Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy is closed on public holidays and has different teaching and opening hours during holidays (depending on the school holidays). Tuition fees remain due during the holidays and must continue to be paid.
Article 3.1
The Member is aware of the fact that he/she enters into a membership that takes effect from the registration date stated in the Agreement.
Article 3.2
Underage students must also be signed by a parent or guardian.
Article 3.3
The member is aware of the fact that membership has a minimum term of 1, 3, 6 or 12 months and can then be canceled per one full calendar month.
Article 3.4
The student must immediately inform the membership administration in writing of a change of address.
Article 3.5
The Member may train in classes corresponding to the chosen subscription types and in the classes designated for his or her level.
Article 3.6
Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy reserves the right to adjust rates and/or lesson times in the meantime if this is desired from a commercial point of view. Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy will inform the Member in case of a price change.
Article 3.7
No group lessons are given on public holidays. As well as on the indicated holiday periods. Contributions must always be paid during these holiday periods, as the contribution is calculated on an annual basis.
Article 4.1
Upon registration, the Member owes a one-off registration fee, the remaining contribution amount of the month of registration and then the monthly contribution amount to Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy.
Article 4.2
If you become a student of the Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy, it is for an indefinite period of time. The costs associated with this membership will be paid quarterly by invoice or direct debit. The payment term is 14 days after receipt of the invoice.
Article 4.3
After completing the SEPA authorization, the monthly contribution will be collected around the 27th of each month from the account number stated on the registration form.
Dates for receipt of the invoice or direct debit is every last week of the month or quarter (December, March, July, September). The student is due to pay the tuition fee every new term and will continue without a written cancellation.
Article 4.4
When a member gets a year older and falls into the next pay group, from Panda to Dragons or from Dragons to Adults, the amount will be automatically adjusted.
Article 4.5
Notice period is 1 month and must be communicated in writing to the instructor. Paid lessons are not refundable under any circumstances. The student can complete the quarter upon cancellation, no refund will be made if the student cancels in the first month of a quarter.
Article 4.6
If payment is not made, for example due to insufficient balance or reversal for whatever reason, the Member will be notified in writing and given the opportunity to transfer the amount due via a payment link.
Article 4.7
In the event of overdue payment of the contribution, the claim will be handed over for collection at the second written payment reminder (plus €10 administration costs per reminder). The resulting costs will be recovered from the defaulting student.
Article 4.8
If the payment obligation has not been met, the student may be refused access to the lessons. Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy is entitled to terminate the relationship with the student in the event of payment arrears and reserves the right to remove students who do not or regularly cancel a lesson, while the obligation to pay the agreed tuition will continue.
Article 4.9
The Member is not entitled to a refund of the membership fee for any reason.
Article 5.1
Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy can unilaterally terminate the agreement with due observance of a notice period of one full calendar month. :
- When the student has communicated this in writing via
- When the student, who is guilty of misconduct in the school or in its immediate vicinity, which may damage the good name of Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy;
- Failure to pay tuition fees on time.
- if the Member has not (timely) fulfilled his payment obligations;
- if the Member withdraws the SEPA direct debit authorization and/or reverses an amount;
- in the event of bankruptcy, (provisional) suspension of payments, debt rescheduling or placing under guardianship of the Member;
- if the Member does not comply with the rules of conduct, or if the Member has been refused or denied access.
Article 5.2
Upon dissolution of the agreement, all installments due for the remaining term of the membership become due and payable.
Article 5.3
Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs or being in possession of illegal soft and hard drugs is not permitted under the Opium Act. The instructor reserves the right, in case of violation of this rule, to deny the student access to the training location(s) of Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy and to terminate his/her membership immediately without refund of tuition fees.
Article 5.4
If a student or parents of a minor student causes discredit through his attitude and/or behavior, which could damage the good name of the instructors and/or the school, the instructors are authorized to deny him/her further access.
Article 6.1.
In case of a long-term illness, injury, pregnancy or injury, with written permission from Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy, membership can be temporarily suspended for a maximum of 2 months (this does not apply to e.g. study, internship, work or vacation) .
Article 6.2.
Suspension is only possible after submitting a medical certificate or other – to the satisfaction of Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy – sound evidence. After this period, the contribution will automatically resume.
Article 6.3
Suspension of membership can never be done retroactively.
Article 6.4.
The Member’s payment obligation is suspended for the effective duration of the suspension.
Article 7.1.
Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy is not liable for any physical injury and the consequences thereof, which arise in connection with the training / lessons. Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy assumes that the student is adequately insured for this.
Article 7.2.
The student draws in the knowledge of good health. The Student does not participate in training if his health does not allow it. If there are physical conditions that could be adversely affected by the training, we advise you to consult a doctor.
Article 7.3.
The student is liable for damage to clothing and other property of fellow students. All damage caused by the student to the school building, furniture, etc. will be recovered at the expense of the student or his legal representative.
Article 7.4.
The instructors are not liable for damage to or theft of clothing or other property of the students, nor for the loss of items left behind in the school.
Article 7.5.
The student must check the material himself before using it.
Article 8.1
The undersigned hereby declares that it has no objection to the publication of image and video material. And also declares that there is no objection to the publication of the relevant image and video activities in which he/she is recognizable. Think of (group) photos in the lesson or the exam or, for example, photos and videos of a workshop, outing, event or even of the lesson.
Article 8.2
We always ask you in advance if you want to participate in advertisements. If you agree, Guan Yu Martial Arts Academy has the opportunity to use images and video material for e.g. posters, flyers, website, promotional videos on YouTube, with the aim of recruiting new members.